Saturday 26 November 2011

Dream job

Oh my ears and whiskers, I had the BEST job in my dream this morning...I was a view inspector!!! I had to go round checking views were beautiful enough...all to do with the Department of Outdoor Enjoyment apparently. Find the country that has one and go has the most fabulous scenery! You can send me a postcard in appreciation of my contribution to its beauty and I'm sending my subconscious a bouquet of brain cells for coming up with such an excellent idea...

It seemed especially special to wake up to as I was rather unwell in the night and couldn't sleep, unlike my neighbour upstairs who passed out with her radio still blaring til past four am. I'm grateful for the opportunities to practice what I preach and stay calm in the face of adversity. I amused myself with word puzzles and articles in a stack of old Radio Times kept for that very purpose and trying to decide whether if I died in the night and wasn't found for several days I'd be too decomposed for a wicker coffin and woodland burial. And, if she died in the night, how many days would I have to endure the radio before someone would break in and turn it off! Methinks I've been watching too much CSI perhaps, or perhaps not enough as I'm sure those scenarios must have been dealt with in an episode some time or another!

I'm grateful to wake up too feeling relatively OK...well enough to get and eat a cuppa and a crumpet anyway. All of us here in the Valley of the Shadow get these episodes when we spot the very thin man with a very toothy smile lugging a scythe and a door around in anticipation. Fret not nor fear, it's what we're really here get through this bit to the one where death has no dominion.

I give thanks to Julie for saying hello (hope Summer is helping with your seasonal blues) and to Angie for not sending in the women in white coats. I give thanks to Ivor and Heidi for getting me some lining paper and send warm thoughts to Pat getting her home ready for coming home from her hospital stay next week. I send to the cosmos the thought that either a bout of unexpected vigorous health on my part or an amiably available chauffeur would enable me to collect the purchase from the former and pop in to say hello to the latter as they're not going to be very far apart. You have to be careful how you word your wishes though...I longed for my alopecia to end and look what I got!

To be fair though...I did say I wanted my hair back and this clearly belongs to someone else. Maybe if they'd like to claim it my follicles could produce something a bit less Starsky and Hutch. In the meantime, in the spirit of spreading good cheer I thought I ought to give you all the opportunity to have a chuckle. I'm thinking maybe I could forget about a tree this year and just decorate my hair. It's quite strong enough to support tinsel and maybe some small baubles too!

1 comment:

  1. Angel, there is nothing wrong with the hairstyle (my neighbour pays a fortune to have hers permed that way), it suits the facial structure,the smile is warm and very friendly and the eyes are a lovely shade of blue. All I can see is a gentle face, that suits its owner beautifully. Patxx


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