Sunday 13 November 2011

Flat lines

Gratitude, gratitude...where the F-word art thou, gratitude? I get cross patch, grumble guts days sometimes just like everyone else...or days like today when I'm just a tad dissatisfied with my lot. There's nothing especially wrong, just nothing feels especially right. Sometimes I could do with a non-cyber hug I guess...a real person, really in the room, really giving me a spot of TLC. oh well...

I'm grateful for the lovely nap I had on the sofa last night. I'd just watched another marvellous Frozen Planet (more thanks for that) and thought I'd just lie down for a few minutes and think what to do next...more TV? An early night perhaps?...and the next thing I knew it was over an hour later and the decision had been taken out of my hands! I give thanks pattern on my pajamas! I ordered some on line and couldn't zoom in close enough to tell if I'd actually like the print (I'm kinda fussy about things like that as you may have noticed). One pair was gross - well to my eyes was very pleasing. I give thanks for all the choice we have...too much sometimes maybe, I'm sure. I give thanks that, even though it seems an effort and deeply unappealing, I am capable of getting out of bed and will do so shortly. If I don't I suspect I'll drift into another nap and there are so many things I want to do...well that I want to be done anyway...which is not quite the same thing, ha ha!

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