Monday 14 November 2011


Well, I've been to the dentist and I still have all my teeth! It's a murky old wouldn't go out unless you had to...but I rarely go out these days unless I have to and wring every smidgen of delight I can out of every trip. Today I wished only that I could have walked's much chillier outdoors at the snail's pace I muster now! Before I used to walk so fast small children and frail old ladies would be swept off their feet at the force of air in my wake. OK, slight exaggeration maybe! I give thanks for having the strength to go out walk down under the hill even if not exactly at full steam ahead. For the sight of the grey brown churning sea and the feel of the spray on my face. For not being excessively rude to the excessively chatty woman in the waiting room...well, chatty might not quite be the right word either...this was more of a monologue from her with occasional one liners from me!

I’d hoped to meet a friend for coffee/lunch/whatever but he couldn’t make it and I dithered whether to go to the cafe anyway. It’s not such a treat on your own somehow. So, because I was peckish, I ended up buying things to eat when I got home in almost every shop I went into...crumpets, a chocolate marzipan bar, a broccoli and stilton pasty from one of the bakeries. Haven’t tried the other things yet but the pasty was very nice! Gratitude for finding that...I’ll be buying more of those methinks!

I’m grateful for my burst of energy but I’m slowing down now. There are so many things I’d hoped to get done that remain untouched and part of me thinks I could push myself a bit more but my eyelids are drooping as I type. Perhaps a nap and then I’ll see if I could get upright and moving again.

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