Friday 4 November 2011


Off to bed last!* Never really got going today and though I did make myself do stuff it was such an effort with not only my body rebelling but anarchy among inanimate objects too. Nothing majorly serious, and I'm truly grateful for that but far too much falling over and falling apart etc for my liking.

Never mind, I give thanks for decorating and sewing progress and for Laura's company. And for the comedy horror of drunk people on Come Dine with Me...people certainly old enough to have learnt when to stop! Why? Why get like that? Why get like that on national TV? I know, I'm boring...I've been told before... but I've never really 'got' getting drunk! When it's happened to me it's pretty much always been accidental. I know when I like to stop and it's way before I start slurring and shouting and stumbling about... I'm grateful I'm boring! I've had a hangover a couple of times over the years and if that's what you get for being fun I don't think I'm missing much at all!

*I wrote that more than an hour ago and then suffered another attack of the 'things'! How much mayhem and misadventure can household items create in one day for goodness sake? Go to to find out...seriously, moaning cow I may be but this is not a joke!

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