Monday 7 November 2011


Funny dreams again last night. In part of one I had a house full of people I didn't know very well (including some cancerchat friends) and my son who was about 10 or so in the dream came into the room we were in and emptied a dustbin bag full of old shoes onto the living room floor in front of everyone. When I asked why he said he was looking for a Kit-kat. I looked in the cupboards but I didn't have any Kit-kats so offered him some other wrapped chocolate biscuits and bars which he took a fistful of for his friends but explained he still needed a Kit-kat wrapper to vote. I never found out what for...

I'm feeling rather poorly again today and though I'm up and washed and dressed I'd rather just read a book or watch a movie or sit looking out of the window at the leaves falling off the tree just outside and the crows or rooks or whatever they are swirling and circling and almost landing on an evergreen one further away in some incomprehensible activity of their own. I'm grateful for a peaceful state of mind and chores that can be done in instalments. Put the washing on, sit down, iron a sheet, sit down, do the drying up, sit down, and then round again hanging up the laundry, ironing another crumpled thing or two and doing some more washing up with more rests in between. I'm grateful for the bits I get done and the bits I stop and for the various wonders of fairly modern technology that make sort of these tasks so relatively easy now. I'd need a housemaid or a husband if not!

I give thanks for the delightful young woman from the Council who keeps battling with the building freeholder to keep up with his obligations. She popped in today to check for herself that something he promised would be done hasn't before she issues a legal notice and we had a good gossip about him which is probably highly inappropriate but fun all the same. She was exclaiming in delight over my flat as she's not looked round before. I know people wonder sometimes why I live here but when you see it you realise. I am SO grateful to be here!

I give thanks for feeling a bit peckish. I've put a potato in to bake and I'll top it with mushrooms in cream cheese and pesto sauce when it's ready for my lea (last time I mentioned this only Carole understood!) and if I keep busy til then I think some full on slobbing out (sorry, 'rest and recuperation') will be on order. I'm grateful for having all the ingredients to hand for all of the above...


  1. Made perfect sense to me Angel..if you can have 'brunch' then you must be able to have 'lea' - good sensible logic :)

    Hurray for the lovely council lady. People like her make the difference to a good or bad day sometimes.
    Although you've done things in installments, you're still doing things - all good.

    Having all the ingredients for a good slobbing session has to involve Pringles, in my case :-)

  2. Mines cheese and onion or is that sour cream, daughter moans if I buy pringles when she's about; something to do with the company that makes them testing other products on animals most probably. She's always moaning about my hair and beauty products!
    Go on tell me, I must be pig ignorant, whats Lea? Patxx


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