Friday 25 November 2011

Happiness is a warm bun...

... a fruity one with butter for breakfast! Though big pants help in the colder weather too!

I give thanks for the heat of the sun melting its way through hazy clouds above the sea earlier, and for leaving my window open a crack the better to hear the howling winds last night.

I give thanks for remembering my Metta meditation when my brain was too buzzy to sleep. I wish you all would remember to do it, especially when stressed or in pain...though you might be less so if I remember you in mine, ha ha! I do a very simple westernised version that always reminds me of the 'God bless' listing prayers some of us learn as children though there's no mention of God so its suitable for all faiths and none. It always makes me feel peaceful and warm straight away and I could that encourage you to believe these effects are physically real by showing you a picture of a brain scan apparently. Any brain scan! Research has shown (Oh, that hackneyed phrase!) readers accord more authenticity to articles accompanied by images of lit up parts of brains!

I give thanks for finding a bit of a kindred spirit in Rachel...she is the only other person I've ever met who is interested in quantum physics AND dressmaking. The only other person I've ever met who decided not to become a Buddhist nun...I mean who actually considered it and decided to take the challenge of living the world but without being totally caught up in its inconsequentialities. Sitting cross legged training the mind all day is a different sort of challenge. Well done to Mark I used to work with for currently giving it a go for 10 days on retreat though...all good thoughts to him.

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