Sunday 14 August 2011


Oh, I'm such a girl sometimes! Crying in bed in my pjs this, because I'm so happy to hear the Vulcan's coming to the airshow again? Girls cry at the silliest things don't they, ha ha! A hundred million thank yous for the memory of seeing it fly a couple of years ago...for feeling it fly a couple of years ago. That deep engine throb in your chest bone! The word awesome is often bandied about but a Vulcan flying is truly awesome...and there's only one that still can and it's coming back to Dawlish to do it. Woohoo! Now all I've got to do is get myself somewhere where I have a good view and don't have people banging into my hurty bits which I suspect will hurt a lot more by the time I get somewhere with a good view!

For anyone who doesn't know a Vulcan is a big triangle shape...and if it flies with the Red Arrows they can make pretty patterns together...

Whales are also awesome and as some of you know I wondered about going to try and see some in the sea again but I've decided a potentially wobbly crossing with my wobbly hands and delicate 'arrangements' might not be the best combination. However...there's a new BBC series about whales starting tonight. Woohoo! What's that word again? Oh yes... awesome!

Changing the subject, 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger' I've heard people say...and if I could hear the bugs that are bugging me talking they'd probably be saying the same thing as they rampage about, refreshed and invigorated by another brief battle with a feeble antibiotic.

Whatever kills me I hope I get a good strong grave! This one looks a tad fact it looks to me like something climbed out ha ha!


  1. Hi Angel, I love all aircraft, and can feel quite emotional if there flying low above me, I missed the air show this year, we didn't have the red arrows this time ( I was very disappointed )and depending what mood i'm in, Nina Simone does it for me everytime!! her voice is like no other :) I hope you get a good view, and don't suffer a stiff neck too much!!
    Lynn x

  2. Well Angel it might be that a wild cat could maybe make it's flying visit and help you get from a to b for your birds eye view! Depends on when exactly.
    Pat xxx


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