Thursday 11 August 2011

That's how elementary...

Actually its

Rachel and I had a good laugh the other day about a report in Science Now saying that trancendental meditation has been finally shown to have a massively beneficial effect on heart health...but that yoga and prayer may also be effective. It was the 'but' that cracked us up. Elementary my dear researchers! I chuckled again telling someone else today.

I also liked being lazy for a change despite the more recent report on physical exercise and surviving cancer. Scientists are just getting righter and righter as someone would say! Or it could be 'brighter and brighter'. You know the woman who did a lot of research into the release of oxytocin into the blood stream during warm interactions and physical contact (and its health benefits)? She's called Dr Kathleen C Light. I keep meaning to mention this. I love it! How could she not use her middle initial with a last name like that? There's a very readable article here about it It's a few years old but I don't suppose the mechanisms have changed much. Of course again it's nothing we didn't know intuitively but intuition has to be 'proved correct' or it turns into a softly spoken white elephant. It's no good affectionally calling it mumbo-jumbo, it's still a large and unwieldy and frightens the lab rats terribly until they have 'proof' to protect them and then they feel safe again.

Oh and I heard an ice cream van. Haven't heard one of those since I lived in the city. Lovely jangly emotive sound...


  1. Sorry Angel it was me! totally unintentional I can assure you. Will have to buy you a marmalade ice cream to say sorry for my misdemeanour when I get to the County that is next to mine! That is if I get my car back, been in the garage since yesterday just for a service. Pat xx

  2. I am sitting here remembering the excitement of standing waiting and watching your very own 99 being made..... love seeing all the old retro ice cream vans.


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