Monday 15 August 2011

Hi Five

On the front of my medical notes there is a big sign, I'm sure, that reads 'EXTRACT THE URINE'. Unfortunately not everyone who reads those words realise they mean via a nephrostomy tube. I'll spare you the details...I just wish to goodness they'd spare me ha ha!

So what have I found to be grateful for on a day that's turned grey and nearly turned me grey along with it at times?

I'm grateful for free prescriptions...
I'm grateful for free phone calls...
I'm grateful for the delicious carrot and orange cakes I made...
I'm grateful for free HD TV channels and for Clive for reminding me I have them...
I'm grateful that I know how to knit...


  1. I've been learning to knit on & off all my life, and can still only go backwards and forwards in plain and purl.......blody hopeless I am!!

    And as for carrot cake. Oh I love love love carrot cake, it's my fave,

    Why oh why didn't you live next door to me Angel? I would've been your bestest neighbour in the whole world,haha

    Lynn x

  2. Angel it's not only the medics that take the P these days, they see a woman shopping for a car, and in my case a bicycle, the opposite gender salesperson seem to grow horns. I had done some research on the net, knew something about the frame size I needed being just short of 5ft, didn't want something that weighed 18kg and already knew the price/stock range. The Bike Chain, sorry nothing in stock in your size, we can get one in for you price £400 or that one £500! Thanks for being so helpful not, will go somewhere else thankyou, you should have seen his face! Pat xxx


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