Thursday 25 August 2011

Mind how you go...

Mmmm! Loved my stew and bread and cheese! Feeling quite content just now so thought I'd get a post in quick whilst smiling!

All that dozing on the sofa last night I completely forgot some programmes I meant to watch...didn't even remember to record them, duh! I caught the end of the one about the Buddhist wonders of the world and had that lovely peaceful inside feeling I get when I remember about such matters. More mindful of being mindful again...So all afternoon I was saying to myself just get this done and that done and then you can sit down with your food and watch the rest of that on iplayer. (Isn't catch up TV brilliant? And pause buttons and rewind and all those things so many of us take for granted now. BIG gratitude for all those...)

And I've now watched the part I missed and think I would like to get a new Buddha statue to remind me as above. It has to be the 'right sort' though. I'll know it whn I see it, and I have in mind a couple of places I could look. I used to have a couple I really liked but they got damaged in many transits and the only one I have now is tiny. Does fit in a purse or pocket which is great but I'd like one for my living room again. Anyway the presenter was in Thailand in the early part that I missed and she was in a big temple complex in Bangkok and I looked at one of the buildings and said out loud 'There's a great big lying down Buddha in there!' and eventually she went in that bit and showed us. I'd forgotten that I'd been there until I saw the images, it was more than twenty years ago. Beautiful place...and actually where I bought my little Buddha although it shouldn't technically have been for sale! (Loads more gratitudes there...)

And while I was watching I had a text from my son Bob and he's going indoor skydiving tomorrow. I bought him a voucher for two for Christmas and so wanted him to do it (Well, I'd like to do it myself really...but you know no one's bought me a voucher, ha ha!). Not only that but there's a Legoland exhibition right by the skydive place and I never got to take him to Denmark when he was little so he's really looking forward to that too and I'm really pleased for him!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, how amazing that yuou have been to thailand, i have only seen pictures and on the telly, such a beautiful place, i am thankful for the television for showing me places that i would never in my wildest dreams could even imagine.


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