Saturday 27 August 2011

Either or

This morning I give thanks that no one's coming round and I'm not going anywhere...although at some point in the next couple of hours I do plan to move from the bedroom to watch the Belgian Grand Prix qualifying and make yet another phone call with a query re my current medication. According to the printout packet label the quantity is 14 but there's only 10 inside so I need to check if it's a misprint or a miscount. Honestly, you have no idea how life limiting a life limiting disease can be! The constant care you have to give all manner of medical personnel! As you can maybe tell, despite feeling pretty rough today I'm currently in quite mellow spirits and I'd rather be physically poorly and mentally well than vice versa, if I had the choice between the two...and only between the two of course!

Sometimes I'm very glad I don't have someone to 'look after' me because there is so much stuff needs doing and either they'd feel they should do it and perhaps get fed up of the responsibility, or they'd not even offer to do some things and I'd feel hard done by! Those of you with devotionally reciprocal relationships may be puzzled by the last sentence but others less blessed might understand. I'm grateful I'm not in an unloving me, if you don't know what that's like you should be very grateful indeed.

Last night I started reading a library book I'd already had to renew before even opening...I hadn't even properly looked inside (just liked the title - Hector and the Search for Happiness - and the blurb) but when I began I was most impressed and fell asleep wondering how best to describe the style which reminded me of Mark Haddon's or perhaps, in some small way, my own story the Princess and the Spaceman...where things are described as they might appear without an 'accepted' interpretation. This morning I turned the book over and there on the review quotes on the back was the phrase 'intelligently naive'. Yes...that's the one! Or could it be 'naively intelligent'? Hmmm...

1 comment:

  1. Angel, have just started Lance Armstrongs book, it's simply written, but cannot bring myself to like the sort of person he comes over as, perhaps I'll change my mind by the time I have finished it. Have quite a few books, all autobiography, and all still unread, because I cannot get past the first three chapters, yet I can read Zola, don't ask me why, because I don't know! Have to be in the mood for reading, sewing, knitting, any of my hobbies, reminds me of the games we played as children, they seemed to have their seasons too. Wish sometimes I had someone full time to help me be responsible for myself, there are days when everything is too much trouble, time passes and no goals for the day have been achieved. Yet yesterday I went to work in the charity stores for a couple of hours, and was there five, and did the shopping on the way home, today still not dressed, its raining and the dogs off his legs again, and its 11:45am., ass and gear, two words that come readily to mind. Pat xxx


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