Monday 8 August 2011

Views in brief

Well I've been well sidetracked from writing my blog today...first physically then psychologically. There's nothing like someone suggesting I'm talking bollocks to get me keen to use my brain to prove I'm not! But three hours have gone by and I haven't even had my tea!

Today I give thanks for the graceful seal point Siamese that crossed my path on the way to the station and to Heidi and Ivor for an enjoyable trip out. I loved the feeling of being in the tropics for a little with the steamy air and the glorious butterflies. The chrysalises were amazing...I think I could have watched them for hours! And I liked the glimpses of otters too...especially when they did those semi-circular leaps above the water in such quick succession they looked like mini Loch Ness monsters! I loved going to the burnt out church on the hill. What a spot! I could genuinely say I'd always wanted to go there as I 'always' had since I heard of the place all of two weeks ago. And I loved throwing science back! A non Buddhist urge for the last word even when the last word wasn't OM, I know. But OM is good for you...I know it is! I'm just waiting for the slow coach scientists to get the funding and catch up!


  1. Well Angel I read your 'science posting' and left with the start of a frontal lobe headache! The SP should be blown out of his sock drawer by it. Probably find him in the reading room of the library somewhere tomorrow Pat xx

  2. Hope you had a good night sleep, and have a lovely relaxing day today, love


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