Thursday 11 August 2011

One Two Three

My first thanks of the day goes to a scientist friend for emailing me about parallel universes and how there so many things we don't even realise we don't understand yet. He knows I'm partial to a little light quantum physics (no pun intended) but wasn't consciously aware that scientific/philosophical debate was the order of the day. Facts are slippery things to pin down (go back to quantum science if you doubt me) and words are even stranger. I am sometimes praised for using words eloquently but today's not the first time people have hinted eloquence does not make my trains of thought they find unacceptable more so. Didn't say they did, ner-ner-ner-ner-ner! that better? Ha, ha! Inappropriate humour is often frowned upon too... But humour has a positive effect on the immune system so when's that inappropriate exactly? When you're trying to kill someone? I give thanks for all the humours that I have...may they continue to contribute to my wellbeing even if sometimes they upset other people's sensibilities. Well sometimes maybe even a little because they do! You've all heard of Dr Patch Adams I presume? Get googling if not!

Some people have issues with certain words and imbue them with power. Some words must not spoken...some words must only be spoken in certain contexts...some words remind us of unhappy or awkward contexts. I give thanks for the knowing as many as I do as it helps me to express myself more clearly but the clarity only works if you think the words mean the same things. I like to learn new ones too. I like to make them up. They are just pixels on a screen or squiggles on paper but they create some interesting chemical effects in the body albeit variable ones according to the body. We call these emotions of course... Interesting things emotions. Um, am I being repetitive? Ha Ha!


  1. Hi Angel,
    Sometimes I have to google some of the words you say in one sentence just to be sure I know what your meaning haha, I left school with nothing much to be proud of, but i like to think i make up for it with other qualities, Sometimes wish I could go back, and not play the fool like I did, but would I have enjoyed school as much?? Hmmm? I wonder
    Lynn x

  2. Angel your a wordsmith without match, and a delight to read, never turn in without reading your blog, and to see how your really feeling. Have an admission to make, very little gets done round here of late, oh I do the laundry, the ironing, basic housework, but tap into CC and here several times a day, to keep up with the very verbose I'm the only one whose right puppet. You have really riled him today with your clever wordsmithing, made my day! Pat xxx


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