Friday 5 August 2011


Well here I am feeling fairly bouncy again today...very odd! I've got to go and pick up some more antibiotics this morning so it's not even as if for once I'm infection free. Maybe it's that Reiki...who knows?

I wrote that about an hour's been a bit of a round and round in circles hour and am getting that cooped up feeling as I wanted to be out of the house by now. One of the things I want to do is get the latest edition of the Human Writes newsletter off to my penfriend in Florida state prison so cooped up is relative of course...and of the things that delayed me was a problem getting the latest pictures from my camera on to my laptop...but while I was trying to process those with one hand whilst making phone calls about other matters with the other, this image caught my eye (again). It's part of a shop window display of course...but I'm not the kind of woman usually much drawn to the merchandise part of a shop window and as I was pacing up and down at the time waiting somewhere I didn't want to be for a bus to somewhere I did and I thought these birds on a wire, and the fact I couldn't get a clear shot of them, poignant on many levels...

I'm grateful for remembering Leonard Cohen's Bird on a Wire. I'm grateful that I have tried on my own way to be free (you don't have to know the lyrics of the song to appreciate that one but it might help to understand why it appeared just here!) I also give thanks for my camera and laptop...and microwave to heat up my redbush tea when things delay me from drinking it. And I'm particularly grateful that I just heard the sound of an engine worth jumping up for and caught sight of a Hercules gently banking across the bay!

1 comment:

  1. Angel, by double clicking on the picture, have even caught the reflection of you with glasses on (sunglasses by the looks of them), and your camera, looks like an all singing all dancing digital SLR. David Bailey eat your heart out, you've got competion down in the south of Devon!
    So hope you eventually got to the big outdoors before the sun closed its opaque curtain of clouds. Pat xxx


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