Wednesday 31 August 2011

Dutch courage

It's not difficult to mystify the doctor on duty today but to give her her due even the internet failed to come up with a cause of my specific aural symptoms. Never mind, it was a pleasant morning and I loved being outside while I waited for the prescription for the antibiotic/steroid drops she'd decided I should use while the lab tries to indentify exactly what is living in there! I had a cup of tea on the windy almost deserted beach and as I had not much to carry decided to walk back up the hill. It wasn't so much to save the cab's only three pounds...but because I really felt like staying on the beach but had too much to do so I thought the fresh air might make up for it a little. Heading along the seafront to the back road back up the hill I found two pound coins lying in the road and later, moving furniture for 'the decorators' I found another one! Thanks to the cosmos for the walk then and for each finding of the fare for another time ha ha!

Thanks also to Laura and Alan for much productivity about the place and to myself for doing some sterling work at the lower levels. The old door fits in its hole, the living room window frame is ready for undercoat...and the ceiling and freize for the top coat, the plate rack's made and on the kitchen wall displaying my two remaining old blue and white plates with the new noticeboard below. All looking lovely and gratitude for each stage of improvement made.

I'm grateful for finding a spinach and ricotta canelloni in the freezer I forgot I had...for a safety level soak in a six inch bath, for comfy pjs and slipper socks and dressing gown, for loads of things I've recorded on TV and crafts to do if have any energy left in my feeble hands and arms after typing (and retyping)!

And lastly because, after watching a programme about the history of the circus last night I had a real yen to see one but couldn't work out where or how...then walking home today, somewhere I wouldn't have been if I'd got a taxi, I saw a poster announcing that the Netherlands National one's coming to Exeter next week! Just a few miles up the road...yippee!

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