Monday 1 August 2011

Small wonder

Mmmmm...I've been out! Real out. Out where you can only see wood and stone and water, grass and leaves and sky...until you look more closely and see the details...the tiny flowers, the one leaf trees, fronds of fern like miniature fractals, frogs that would fit on your fingernail.

It didn't look the best day to be heading up to the moor but the misty moisty weather gave us the chance to marvel at these special sights we might not have noticed otherwise. There were things we would not have seen at all if the sun had been out like the spiders' webs draped across the gorse frosted with a myriad of miniscule water beads, some smaller than a pin small it was hard to conceive that they were spheres at all. The most beautiful of all that we saw was hard to identify at first...little clumps of pink sparkle scattered along the green pathway. They turned out to be a low grass with pinkish seedhead sprays each individual seed in its own magnifying crystal ball of cloud drop. Like exquisite costume jewelry made with handblown marbles from fairyland.

Then the mist cleared and there were views for miles to slopes and tors we could not name, a tawny calf lowing in the bracken on its own, a hawthorn slender and graceful as a solo dancing girl, a vintage roadsign saying somewhere was a fifth of a mile away, a picnic, a still filled quarry with pink and yellow lilies floating and a late legging tadpole legging it out of view and a carpark toilet with wonderfully pattered wood grained doors and a hand dryer that made the maddest range of sounds.

Out is great! Five hours of gratitude and a heart full of memories. Thank you Laura for taking me and the universe for laying on so many miracles for us to enjoy while we were there!


  1. Taking you out, must give the heart of the benefactor a real warm glow. Your the only person I am personally aware of, who would actually see such beauty, and be able to convey your joy at seeing it, so that the reader see's it, and feels it too. Angel you truely see life through the eyes of an ardent trantic.
    Pat xxx

  2. Hi Angel,
    What a wonderful day, I'm so pleased you have Laura, isn't she great?? hope it hasn't tired you out too much,
    Lynn x


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