Tuesday 30 August 2011

Clearly exhausted

Heavens, I'm dozy tonight! My first gratitude for the evening is for left over cauliflower cheese from yesterday so I didn't have to cook. My second is for the record and pause buttons on my Skybox so that if I plan ahead I can watch what I fall asleep during some time later when I'm awake!

It was so grey and cool and cloudy today with little spits and spats of rain but astonishingly the air was really clear and you could actually see for miles. Portland Bill was easily visible but mysteriously I could see something else 'further round' as it were. I wondered if it might be the Isle of Wight but have decided that it's probably too far and not in the right place. So I reckon it must have been a very big boat ha ha! Gratitude for such a good view anyway.

Tons of thanks to Rachel as always for trying her best to mend me...and my bracelet that I'm too broken to mend myself! And I'm grateful to the shops for having all the things I wanted to buy but no big queues to have to wait in. and for the little shell box I bought to go on my bathroom shelf because although Lush make lovely toiletries their storage tins for the solid ones are that kind of 'metal' that stains when it's wet...

Finally for now...Just to make it clear for Pat and anyone else who may not have understood earlier...It's great I didn't have to fit a trip to the doctor in alongside my weekly visit from the nurse and weekly acupuncture session! But, as there's a member of the practice off sick and thus everyone else is double booked, to get an appointment lateish tomorrow morning without have to ring up early tomorrow is even better ha ha!


  1. Hi Angel, been on my Google Earth again and I think your right, looks like it must have been a big boat!! haha, whilst I was nosing about, I noticed how close you live to my pen-pal friend, she belongs from Crediton, Eee it's a small world, take care for now,
    Lynn :)) x

  2. P.S. Did I say a 'small boat'? I meant to say a 'large one' only on my second coffee of the day so i'm not functioning properly yet!!
    Lynn x

  3. Bloody ell, I never said either!! so blonde at times eh? lol
    Lynn :))) x


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