Friday 19 August 2011

Having a smashing time

Well so far today I think the best joys have been memories from yesterday and beyond and 'promises' of those to come in the pages of the Radio Times such as a new series of the Swedish 'Killing' starting in the autumn. The anticipation of that definitely counts as a gratitude for today and, all things being as anticipated, there'll be twenty more gratitudes to come!

During my lie in this morning, internet access in hand, I also discovered by chance a series of 'True CSI' has been shown late in the evenings om Channel 5 and I missed it. But it is on Demand 5 so am going to to 'politely request' a viewing of an episode and see if it's to my taste...I am grateful one again for the facility of catch up TV...

Most of the 'up' part of my day has been spent re dealing with things. You know, all those letters you've written and phone calls you've made regarding situations that require someone with specific powers you do not have to actually do what they say they'll do. And then they don't and you have to start again. It's hard not to get resentful and cross even if your more logical side knows no one personally means to do you harm or cause you anguish, they've just been having a bad day at the office a bit like in between all the repeating myself I've managed to burn the toast and break a glass and knit a whole square of the Oxfam blanket before realising the second row was wrong!

This evening I watched a programme about Totnes because I thought I ought to but my ears only really pricked up when the presenter went to Dartington Hall. Now it's a funny human trait but if someone you like says good things about something or someone or somewhere you are more likely to register 'good' than if it's someone you don't. I've heard things about Dartington in the past and that's all I'm saying on that for now... Very recently however people whose opinions I rated as perhaps more in tune with mine have said things that made it sound more appealing. And this programme showed a festival at the Hall and the director of the festival turned out to be the ex Jain monk who was walking around Dartmoor being mindful and inspiring to me on TV a week our two back. Now that's what I like... a bit of synchronicity, a nudge back on the path...big gratitude for that!

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