Thursday 18 August 2011

Heads or Tails

Before half eight this morning was woken by the sound of torrential rain, by my alarm clock to take my pills and by a young woman shouting, screaming and swearing outside. She was getting more and more frantic and hysterical with some occasionally contributing male but it was too incoherent to tell if he'd really done something as diabolical as she seemed to be suggesting. Put it this way...I'd have been expecting police sirens if so. But she did sound terribly distressed...

It doesn't look like I'm going to the airshow at the moment, it's too cold and wet to sit in a field for four hours not knowing how you're going to get home and without even a companion to talk to about how miserable it is! The visibility is rubbish at the moment too...not good flying weather let alone watching weather. Give it an hour before I decide for sure. Am pretty distressed myself at the prospect of either missing it by not going, or going and missing things because they aren't happening or because I feel too poorly to stay anyway. I can't think of much to be grateful for just now. Ummm...that I have a blog to moan on... That I have a laptop to do it on, and a lapstand to hold it up


  1. I'm so sorry your having a bad day, I know you don't want pitty or for me to feel sorry for you.....but I can't help it I just do!!

    The things you want out of life are simple tasks for other people, and it makes me so mad to think what a struggle it is for you,

    I understand if you don't want to publish this post as it's quite personal, but you make me smile everyday and today I feel so sad for you,

    Ihope your feeling better by the time you get this message,

    Lynn x

  2. Oh dear Angel I hope it wasn't one of those plans of mice and men (well they do the flying I suspect)going asunder days. It started grey threatening wet here, but did turn around by 10am, so I hope that things changed for you too by midday, and you were able to summon the taxi. Pat xxx


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