Thursday 4 August 2011

Cupboard love

This evening I'm grateful for the energy and motivation to get everything out of the cupboard under the stairs and give it a clean and tidy. I like order, even in places normally out of sight, and though it would be lying to suggest I've 'ordered' everything in there, the space is reorganised and used more efficiently with things more often wanted closer to hand while a big rubbish sack of things no longer wanted has left with Laura for the charity shop!

I'm grateful also for finding some things I'd forgotten I had like a longer ethernet cable which has made life easier in the Sky TV/internet connection department! And that I've managed to get all the knock-on chaos under some control so I can have a spot of supper and relax in front of the TV. And that I spotted a mistake in my blanket construction before too much chaos broke out there!

And I'm particularly grateful for one of the GPs treating me like I'm perfectly capable of making medical decisions given relevant information, and giving me the relevant information to make one! This can be a rarity...even in relatively routine medical care. I appreciate it greatly!

1 comment:

  1. Angel, you have done more than I in the last two days that for sure: for some reason yesterday and today the energy to do anything just has not been there. Glad you found the mistake in your blanket, nothing worse than having to undo and redo. In one of my knitting triumps of years ago, a threequarter length arran jacket, after I had sewn it all together but before picking up the stitches for the neck I noticed the V pattern was out! Ten stitches got dropped right to the bottom welt, and got knitted right back up again!
    Looks like you have my GP's twin at your practice, glad at last you have come across a doctor worth his salt. Any chance that you can see the same one every time now? Hope its not a locum for your sake. Pat xx


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