Wednesday 10 August 2011


My earlier chirpiness seemed to wash off in the shower and though I looked for some more outside, tried to eat some, knit some, find some in a pile of ironing and on TV, but levels remain critically low and boy do I become self critical when they do!

Anyway, I enjoyed watching the house martins swoop and dive in the botanical gardens. I also give thanks to Dave Lamb for always saying something that makes me snigger on Come Dine With Me and for a pretty sky this evening. Not exactly a sunset nor a neatly classifiable arrangement of clouds but pleasing all the same. Now I'm recycling some previous happinesses with a few pictures I took last week from our annual recycled scuplture exhibition.

They all have signs with some details of who made them and from what and why but I haven't recorded that info, I'm sorry...

I hope you like them anyway. There are some in other places but I think they look particularly good among the sea front flower beds.

The dangly bits of this one are made with recycled glass and tinkle in the breeze...

And this bottle top monster is one of my favourites.

I'll show you some more tomorrow but for now I need to get back to Dave lamb's puerile humour and an Activia Prune layer yoghurt. Mmmm! Small mercies that mean a lot to me...


  1. The art work is lovely, but i'm sorry to say could'nt get past the butterfly one quick enough!! I have Lepidopterophobia, which i'm sure you've guessed is a fear of butterflys and moths, sounds bizzare but I can't even stand next to someone if there clothes have pictures of them on, Dereks begged me to get professional help, cos I show my self up terrible in the summer, anyway, I'd much rather have your bottle top monster haha
    Lynn x

  2. Hello Angel.x i know what you mean, somedays the sparkle is hard to find.... i think mine has gone these past few days.
    I found out on Tuesday at a hospital appointment that i am now thw only person left on the trial i am in taking the tablet, the poor old guy who has been doing so well has moved back to Wales to spend his last days with his family.
    I am so gratful for this extra year, but time has gone so fast......
    More followers i see, i am so pleased for you, i hope your blog grows and grows, love as always,

  3. Well Angel I tried posting a comment in the early hours, but it was refused something about boxes, perhaps it was you shooting cougars on sight! Have already noted the very clever verbal slaughter of an un-matched pair of socks!
    Now Lynn sorry, thought the butterflies were a brilliant re-use of discarded cd's and dvd's. Much better than landfill, and would certainly be the only butterfly to survive in my garden, them being slower and easier than birds apparently!
    Appears you had a better night Angel, the brainbox being sharp as a tack this morning, long may it last. Pat xxx

  4. I could'nt agree more Pat, I'm a member of the 'green team' at work, i'm very passionate about the enviorement, but i'm just terrified of butterflys, no idea why, theres no rational explanation for it,
    Oh and by the way, sorry for my outburst on SP just could'nt help myself, he's like a profit of doom!!!
    Lynn x


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