Tuesday 6 September 2011

Best intentions

I'm waiting on a call for an urgent ENT referral. Now we didn't see that coming did we? Especially the rather un-confidence inspiring doctor who, on hearing I'd been having acupuncture, asked if the therapist used ear candles as the stuff in my ears looked like smoke! I've never used or seen ear candles used but I thought you lit the end not in your ear? Never mind, I'd rather see a specialist than a doctor who doesn't know, although having said that, my experience of specialists is that although they have the training and expertise to know often they don't care enough to find out! Thinking outside the box for them is likely to involve thinking about the golf course!

This is not always the case of course, and ENT is a whole new ball game for me round here so I await developments and hope the tedious trek to the hospital doesn't wreck one, other or both of two social arrangements I have planned this week...tea at Rachel's tent and the circus (in another sort of tent come to think of it!) with Laura. As you know I don't get out so much these days literally or metaphorically and I would find it hard to be philosophical if I was too tired, or in the wrong place after medical matters to enjoy these treats.

This morning I give thanks firstly for the pretty screen I bought at the end of last year. The idea was to make some privacy for anyone sleeping on the sofa and though there's not been much call for that it does cover the some of the work-in-progress window area (and bare window) nicely at night.

And secondly for the blustery weather. I find wind and showers quite invigorating. The branches of the younger trees are swaying sideways and I imagine them digging their toes (sorry, roots!) deep into the soil to stand up straight.

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