Sunday 18 September 2011

Good morning Evelina

Good morning Evelina if that's you from Latvia popping in from time to time. I don't think you've had the best welcome somewhere else but you're very welcome here!

I give thanks for the smell of the clean sheets and pillowcases on my bed, for the sound of the rain through my open window during the night, the patch of blue sky that just drifted past the top window panes and the howl of the wind that pushed it. I <3 weather!

I give thanks for the fact that my signal keeps dropping in here so I'll have to get up to post this and can get a cup of tea and a bit of toast and I give thanks for the sense of rebellion that strictly brought up people feel at the prospect of breaking a childhood rule...I think I might open the new jar of marmalade before I finish the old one because I fancy a different flavour today. Having woken up my taste buds with the thought I hope my hands can carry through!


  1. Hi Angel,
    Looking out of my window at bright blue sky, little robin jumping about in the garden searching out the worms and my steaming hot mug of fresh coffee - bliss!! I can smell the toast too but honey on mine today I think. Enjoy your day Angel, I will be going for a long stroll when my tummy has been satisfied!!
    Karen x

  2. Hi Angel, I agree with you about the clean sheets, I love nothing more than climbing into a bed thats all freshly made, and I hope Evelina realises it's nothing personal, the person who's upset her seems to upset nearly everyone he has contact with!!! ( I hope i'm on the same wavelength here )
    You've set my tastebuds off now , so i'm off to have some jam on toast, whilst I watch the b.t.c.c., have a nice day
    Lynn x

  3. Angel,now you have set a rebellion of the taste buds going, I'm off to get toast with ginger preserve & a cup of yogi liquorice tea with manuka honey before I let you into a little secret..... aahh that's better. Now where was I? oh yes, the little secret. Take your stubborn jar in one hand and a metal handled knife in the other(preferably not a sharp knife). Take the knife by the blade and knock gently right round the side of the metal jam jar lid. Hey presto off comes the lid first twist. Works everytime for me. Pat xx

  4. Yep Lynn your right, I thought our Angel had darned the hole in that particular piece of apparel. Guess somebody has been skating across thin ice again and worn another patch away.
    Pat xx


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