Friday 2 September 2011

Miracle Day

No, I didn't watch last night's Torchwood episode yet but late on I did remember something else yesterday that I meant to write about and forgot... In the little town I visited yesterday I passed a hairdressers with a sign on the dusty pavement outside urging passers by to come in and try their new treatment that would 'literally heal' their hair. Now I thought hair was literally dead so the tip of the miracle day iceberg is here folks...and you heard it here first!

Wish these drops would heal my earache or the lab would find something else that might. Very challenging! Never mind I used the agonising hours searching the internet for curtain replacement options having tried to dye the old ones anyway, and them coming out quite a pretty colour but miles away from the one I wanted and miles away from the floor.

Moral of this tale: Unless it's a matter of life and death never keep trying to turn a bad day round.... Forget 'Keep calm and carry on' try 'Give up and go to bed' instead!

I give thanks firstly for finally getting to sleep early this morning and secondly for banana on toast later on...

1 comment:

  1. I love your idea of 'give up and go to bed' much more appealing to me, and i'm sorry for laughing but your 'cutains miles away from the floor' gave me a good giggle, Hope you get your ear 'problem' sorted out soon, sounds very frusrating,
    Lynn x


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