Sunday 24 July 2011

What goes around comes around

OK, I've studied numerous pictures of crop circles now and after about 1999 they mostly get increasingly silly and not even pretty. I don't care if they are made with balls of light or balls of string and garden rollers I want them to look good and make me feel good. Not every geometric deisign manages that and very few advertising logos! I'd still like to see one though, both close to and at a suitable 'real life' distance. Even a lopsided mandala like my crochet mat would do...nothing sacred in the geometry there...but not a dolphin or an eye in a pyramid or anything self consciously 'mystical'. Good intention adds to the charm!

Anyway some of the images from the 'early years' provided me with a deep joy and for discovering them I am indeed grateful...for one thing they stopped me feeling miserable and lonely in the 'early hours'! I'm grateful too for discovering a maple pecan pastry in the freezer to have with my morning cup of tea and for Sebastian Vettel not dominating either practice or the grand malice to the chap but I like to see others getting a go.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, hope you have had a good day.x I was just saying to my husband yesterday how i would love to see a real life crop circle, i once saw one from a distance but we were going too fast and couldnt turn around.
    Love maple and walnut pastries....
    i hope your antibiotics are working and you start to feel better.
    Good film on tv tonight called Lovely Bones, very sad but good ending, nearly as good as the book. I think about 9pm.
    Love and thinking of you Debbie.x


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