Saturday 16 July 2011

You and me and them

Thank you first of all today for your kind comments. I've been reminded elsewhere the last couple of weeks how unwelcome I am in so many places, in so many lives. Sometimes I'm just scared to be me unless it's home alone silently in bed with the duvet over my head where I can't cause offence or get things wrong. Some people tell me it's wrong to feel like that. Sometimes I forget myself and just be...and then someone always has to remind me!

Them: Stop being you!
Me: Um..but you're allowed to be you?
Them: That's different, I'm a better and more important me than you and if I say you're wrong then I'm right!
Me: What if I think it's wrong that you think I'm wrong?
Them: That's different!

I think I'd have been good at being a plant, or maybe a goldfish. I might be wrong about that though...


  1. Angel,
    I know you have made many friends and admirers on here and it is because you are just being you. I admire you for that (+plus your wit!!).

  2. Dear Angel,
    I agree with Karen, and I would'nt want you any other way, who ever they are,,,,,,,it's their loss!!
    Lynn x

  3. Angel,
    You have a rare quality that cannot be denied, a very dry wit, and an awareness of beauty in nature that most of us pass by without seeing. Anyone who reads this blogspot of yours cannot fail to have their eyes opened a little wider.
    I would not want you any other way either.
    Pat xxx


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