Sunday 31 July 2011

Less is more

Well, my next gratitude of the day is that I made cauliflower cheese earlier ready for my tea as I knew I had to get some odds and ends from the local supermarket and suspected wouldn't feel up to much afterwards. They didn't have half of the things on my list which is quite normal for that particular shop. It has extra wide aisles partly to spread out the sparse range of stock and partly so kids can run amok on their scooters whilst their bemused parents walk round trying to find plan b) ingredients when the plan a) ones aren't on the shelves. Sometimes they have to give up on plan b) too. I'm not talking about exotic things...this quite large chain supermarket has been known to be out of carrots! Actually I'm going to make my local supermarket another gratitude of the day because it's so funny!

Having only a light bag to carry I thought I'd just about make it past the taxi rank and down a short street to the sea front but it was horribly crowded on the promenade and I was feeling horribly achey and unwell so I hobbled back to the taxi find all the cabs had gone. I leant against a lamp post trying not to make pathetic wipering noises but none came and I didn't have my phone so I couldn't call one. I figured there was no way I could walk back up the hill in that state so I went and got an enormous rum and raisin ice-cream and sat down and ate it very slowly looking at the waves and then walked back up the hill! So more gratitude for not having a bag full of groceries but a body full of resilience to get what I did have home.

We all have this resilience of course, I'm not superhuman just superbly positioned to push myself more than many people do and I'm grateful for that too! Don't get me wrong, I don't mean I wouldn't like to be looked after and supported and nurtured and helped, I'd LOVE it!!! I just mean not being gives me a glimpse of the true strength most of us never tap into because we never have the need so never have know it's there.

Enough philosophy for one day...I'm off to watch TV!


  1. Hi Angel,
    Your Supermarket running out of carrots once, reminded me of a time years ago when I worked in a well known crisp factory, the canteen ran out of potatoes!!! so we could'nt have chips for our lunch, don't know why they coul'nt have just nipped on the factory floor and nicked some pots from there??

    It's amazing where you get the strength from when forced to, but I know what you mean, a bit of tlc when needed would be lovely for you too, ( have a virtual hug from me )
    Lynn x

  2. You have a lot of stamina, i feel like crying some times when i do to much and think i wish i didnt go this far because now i have to come back.
    I have brought a trolly foe 12 pounds and it is so so good lots can go in and just pull along behind me.xxxx


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