Friday 22 July 2011

A bit fishy

Last night I dreamed that I didn't have long to live and was struggling to get to places and get things done while I was still able. you think I could get my money back on that one? Since when has that been a 'dream' exactly? It wasn't all bad though, I was with my son and in one part we were on a train going across Barmouth Bridge. At first it seemed as if the bridge wasn't there and the track simply came to an end in front of us in the sand at the edge of the water but then it re-materialised just in time and our journey continued smoothly across the estuary. It's so long since I've been up there I had to check on the internet that I wasn't imagining the bridge anyway, or at least it's position and trackworthiness.

Watched an edition of Coast from a few weeks back earlier and delighted to see favourite spots like Brixham and the Isles of Scilly if a little saddened that they might as well be Brisbane and the Seychelles these days even if only down (or off) the coast a little way in reality. I'm still on some Scilly emailing lists it seems...earlier today I had one entitled 'Think summer on Scilly isn't possible? think again!'. I called the sender a rude word in my head which wasn't very nice of me!

Later I discovered Sky had a new series about to start on its 'blockbusting' Atlantic channel...ten weeks of progmammes about...(drum roll, long pause)... Brixham! I'm not sure I'll be able to stand the dramatic delivery and tortuous poetry but the subject matter's good! It's charting a summer season with various jolly, and not so jolly, locals...

Anyway my final recorded thanks of the day are for teleporting in all its forms and for the 'olde worlde' chemist's in town that not only has unusual vintage premises including a mosaic doorstep but which also delivers prescriptions to your door and has done for me today. Sweet dreams and not too much nightmarish behaviour from neighbours is what's required right now.

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