Thursday 21 July 2011

Season to taste

Fourth thanks of the day goes to going out though it's left me very tired. For not getting rained on apart from a few stray drops and for finding a gap in the cloud to sit in and have fresh fried chips and mayo by the river beach. And for our extra lovely T.R.A.I.L. sculptures this year...will try to get some piccies for you next time...

Fifth is for my lentil and veg curry made this morning to gather flavour during the day... Off to serve it up!


  1. Well, Angel last night I really did lose an hour, and I lost another in the back garden this evening, dead heading all the flowers that have taken a recent hammering with rain and a cold wind. Have bought a 100% silk dress for £2 today from our charity shop, which I will by private message pick your brain about if I may?. Have you asked to have your PM facility switched back on by the mods? Glad you managed to find a few of the suns rays today and managed to dodge most of the raindrops. Well its just gone 9pm, must go eat and feed the cats. Sleep well Angel, we all care about you. Pat xxx

  2. Glad you have such agood day.x
    Goodnight, love


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