Friday 15 July 2011

Lest we forget

Some days I swear it would be easier to find fifty five things to moan about than five that make me glad. Some days I just swear ha ha!

It is tempting to break faith and list grumbles and grievances, especially as I usually get less readers at the weekend and that gives me the feeling people won't know. But that's like assuming you can't be seen when there's no one in sight and there's something you want to do that you shouldn't! Besides, there are good things in the gloom. I'm grateful for the shapes of trees that live near the sea and twist and bend with the wind as they grow. They remind me of old people whose faces have set in the prevalent expressions of their lives.

I'm grateful for the delicious sauce I made to go with some pasta with red pesto and black olives and a selection of organic veg.

I'm also delighted I realised my ex-cleaner had never cleaned behind my folding bedroom door. I've never seen so much dust in a 'cleaned' house. You literally couldn't see the carpet! Clean now though...


  1. Don t let any one make you feel like that... you are not in the wrong you are a lovely, interesting funny and worthwhile person.
    The people who make you feel like that are always the insecure hateful kind.
    I have always brought my children to know they are as good as anyone in this world and have as much right to be and do what they can to have a happy life, they are all very confident and are living good lives, my son at 24 is a senior fund manager in London at least 10 years younger than the others at the same level, my daughter and her boyfriend live a great life traveling and seeing places a girl from our area wouldn't normally even know existed, the neighbors nets twitch when he picks her up in his Lamborghini they are 22 and 23.
    My older son left school at 15 and now runs building companies.
    They all went to the local run down primary with the friends from our street but ended up in the best Grammar schools.i made sure they knew that they could archive this by hard work.
    I know that confidence is the most important thing to posses, please dont let those horrible people make you lose yours.
    Love Debbie.x

  2. What did that cleaner do ..... money for old rope comes to mind, its horrible to think that she is doing that at other helpless peoples houses and is getting away with it.
    Love Debbie.x


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