Tuesday 19 July 2011

Contrary to opinion

Well, goodness knows where my energy has gone again! Maybe we could have monitors to warn us before hand when our life force is getting low like a character in an electronic action game? A day on the sofa with crafts and catch up TV and naps seems far more appropriate than a trip to downtown for acupuncture, then an hour's bus ride to the big city and then an hour plus wait before the scan can proceed...to say nothing of getting back. Still, on the whole I'd rather be going to the hospital on a day when I feel feeble than on a day when I feel well, and I've managed to eat a relatively hearty breakfast to see me through til late afternoon when I can eat again. It's weird how much we want to do things when we can't and don't want to do the very same things when we have to...contrary little so-and-sos human minds aren't they?

Today first of all I'd like to give thanks for your kind words of encouragement. And secondly for the fact that my lazy-dazy stroke damaged left hand put an 's' in front of the 'w' making 'swords of encouragement'. That is the funniest thing and very in keeping with the fantasy game theme! I shall brandish your swords of encouragement but did get the impression from the moderators that more than one person had complained although their first email upset me so much that I haven't read all of them...telling me I should choose my words carefully in case I offended anyone made me think, as I do that already on there, being any more careful kind of negates the point of contributing at all unless you're just going to copy and paste what their 'approved' contributors say.

I know I do take criticism very much to heart but I'm sure at least some of the time it's justified in the critic's eyes and worth assessing whether you've done wrong or wronged them in some way. I guess a lot of the time it's just indignation or a power trip though. I really really can't be quite as bad as all the people who have cast judgement on me would have me believe. I mean surely you get some marks for good intention like you do when you get the 'working out' method right in a maths test but miscalculate the final figure?

Anyway, I must away and prepare myself for departure. I have knitting, mp3 player, tissues, pain killers, purse, phone, water...what have I forgotten that might improve the quality of my experience? Hmm...

Good wishes to others with medical matters to attend to today. Team Angel are thinking of you...


  1. You are absolutely right in what you say Angel. Your intentions on the cancer chat was to offer up support (along with searching for some yourself of course) and if there are some who can't deal with the content on that site, they should not be there in all honesty. It is for 'us' to give and receive which we all do as best we can. I miss you on there Angel and I know I am not alone.
    Let us know the outcome of your appt today. Thinking of you.
    Karen x (Miras to any1 else!!)

  2. Angel, sorry you have had an energy sapping day, getting there and back on the bus and waiting about once you get there is pretty mindbending. My oncology appts were always running horrendously late, thats pretty bad especially as you didn't want to be there in the first place. Hope you manage to recoup your energy overnight and you can start tomorrow with a rosy glow, instead of pale and interesting, I jest on this last statement.
    Re the mods emails, I am of the opinion that it was only one person who we upset by not agreeing with her suggestion to the post originator, of surfing the net for answers. I had 2 emails from them. I think this person went looking for posts of both of us to complain about, thats enough of her, not worth wasting out words on, or the breath whilst we type.
    Have been out and about this afternoon looking for one of my rescue cats that decided to run off yesterday, been here 10 weeks and settled in well, so why and where is anybodies guess.
    And mygoodness its cold here on the north coast, managed to stay dry though. Schools breakup this week and the weather is bound to change for the worse. Schools out rains about.
    Good night Angel sleep well take care and stay safe Love and hugs Pat xxx

  3. Come back to CC Angel...give it another go.
    As Karen said people there miss you and so what if you got told off!
    You're a big girl, you can take it and bounce back with a shrug eh...

    I read what you'd said on that thread, it wasn't offensive..the person who reported it took it the wrong way.
    (I thought that the person who actually started that thread was a spammer anyway..they've never come back since and it was a 'weird' post in the first place!)

    Come back, ignore people who are not good for your health and talk to those of us that are (good for your health) :-))

    Barney's looking for you on your thread and others too so pop back and continue with your 'Good Morning' thread at least :-)


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