Monday 4 July 2011

Some days...

There are days, aren't there, when it's much easier to find things to be sad about than glad, to moan about rather than celebrate?

I give thanks for the huge dragonfly at the station

...for the Buddleias along the track ...that I got a seat on the train to admire them!

...that to make up for not having the Lush beauty product I hate to be without (to save me from being too beastly)they gave me a free sample of something else

...that I have the energy to make a start on the jobs that the cleaner declined to do and can see my bed again to get into later on

and as an extra as these seem so half hearted to me...or maybe it's me that's half hearted...I give thanks that I've been able to find five things to feel gratitude for at all for there's been times today I've wondered if I could

1 comment:

  1. Hello, hope you are still feeling great, not too worn out from your trip....
    I have had a sad couple of days, but going to pick my Daughter up in a couple of hours from Gatwick so i must try to get my act together.
    I know we are on our last legs but when you hear of someone else, a lovely guy who has such a lovely wife and 2 daughters has only a few weeks left due to Brain tumour he had no idea off 2 weeks ago it has made me really sink so low. What the hell is going on. Hes only 52.


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