Friday 8 July 2011


After my last post I went on Amazon to see if I could find that book. It's called Replay by the way. And there are loads of editions now and it is readily available and widely acclaimed. You can even buy a study guide should you be so inclined. So there you impromptu review all those years ago was justified. I like that. That's my third happy thought for the day!

While I was on there I thought I'd better get some new music for my new mp3 player. Thought I'd start by seeing what was on special offer...even if I hadn't heard of it ha ha! The first album on promotion was the new one by YES. YES I had to double check that too...had I slipped back in time myself? Apparently not! Gave that a miss and went right back beyond to Fats Domino...that should see me through some grim times, not too miserably 'blue' and lively enough to have me waggling my toes and swaying gently but not actually detaching the life support system to get up and dance. That'll be the next selection... There's a few tracks I swear could bring me out of a coma! So my fourth gratitude is for the miracle of (fairly) modern technology that allows us to just click and choose.

There's so many chores awaiting attention today I decided the only sensible course of action was to move 'catch up with favourite movies' to the top of the list. Must get back to Jake Gyllenhall's manic smile in Donnie Darko. Definitely a time travel theme today...

1 comment:

  1. Hope you had a good day, meet Joe Black is a good film too.
    Love Debbie.x


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