Friday 22 July 2011

Bedwardly mobile

Well, I'm still in bed though I have been as far as the kitchen to make a cuppa and have sent an email (thank you to Ivor for continued correspondence!). I'm grateful for the smoothness of my sheets and the warm air wafting through my bedroom window, and that I've managed to improve the positioning of my feeble Sky router so that I can get a slight signal when feeling too feeble to get into the same room as it myself! It still drops sometimes...I might try changing the channel again when I get up.

And I'm grateful for the new series of Torchwood, the second episode last night was a delight. For anyone who hasn't seen it, it's Doctor Who for (slightly) grown ups! There are mature and even 'adult' themes mixed with mayhem and monsters and lots and lots of laughs! The premise of this new story is: what if everybody stopped dying all at once no matter how ill or injured they are? It's dubbed Miracle Day by the on screen world but the implications are more of global and personal disaster. Each to their own I suppose! It will be something to look forward to once a week in what's proving a summer particularly lacking in treats and cosmic carrots encouraging me to keep plodding on.

1 comment:

  1. Good afternoon Angel, I like Torchwood, what a shame the handsome hunk and lead actor John Barrowman is gay, not that it matters much, he's on screen and good 'eye candy', bet like our Carole, he spent his life answering back.
    Sorry that your at such a low ebb today, the last few days of activity, like runing for a bus, and waiting around for appointments to take place have caught up, it often takes a couple of days for the body to rebel. Hope you get a surprise or two over the coming weekend that will recharge your batteries and put a smile back on your face. Pat xxx


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