Saturday 9 July 2011

It's only words

My fourth gratitude of the day is to Carole for showing me how to change the settings on here so people can comment if they should want to even if they're not bloggers themselves. I hadn't really considered that people might want to when I started to be honest and I was also a bit scared people would want to tell me off, or tell me things I was doing wrong, or thinking wrong etc. There's been a whole lot of that in my life and I reckon I can pretty much manage on what I've stored up over the years even if I live for a very long time! Criticism may be intended to be constructive but not as often as as those who bestow like to think it is often in my experience. Plus if I'm trying to be mindful to keep my own negativity off here as far as possible there's no sense in letting the atmosphere be spoiled by someone else's or having an argument break out below my posts!

The way things are set up now I read and approve any comments before they are added so even if someone wanted to say something unkind or unsupportive I can just delete it before it gets on the page. But I do have to remember to check the place where comments await approval! If you do say something and it doesn't appear on screen right away that's why... And thank you too, by the way, for all the nice things you have said. If what I post is inspiring anyone to do anything creative or think more appreciatively about ordinary things often hardly noticed at all then my mission is being accomplished. Excellent!

Lastly, in the background whilst I've been being Kim and Aggie stroke creative genius I've had Bill Wyman doing a history of the Blues on Sky Arts from how Fats Domino made everyone feel good to Bishopstock. Bishopstock I thought? Bishopstock... hmm why does that sound familiar? Oh yes, I know why...I went one year! Drinking early Grey whilst watching Van Morrison in the sunshine...very civilised I thought! Another happy memory to brighten up my day.


  1. Just checking to see you are ok.You are a real source of inspiration and i can see that your followers are building up and comments too, so happy about that.
    Off to a boot fair tomorrow hopefully,i love looking about, must try not to buy too much stuff.
    Goodnight, Debbie.x

  2. Hi Angel, I keep trying to post so hopfully this time will work. A young Van morrison in the sunshine...bliss...or a young Bob Dylan or Leonard Cohen. Am I really that old...yes I am and happy that I no longer have the hang ups of youth. Hope you find lots more happy stuff in your life.
    Maggie x


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