Tuesday 12 July 2011

Many thanks

Good afternoon? Yes thanks!

The first 'thank you' is for Trevor the community nurse for sharing a hysterically funny session with me. I promised him I wouldn't put the details on here as it might make him sound unprofessionial. He isn't, but he's a great laugh...

Secondly I want to say a big THANK YOU to Rachel for my acupuncture as she didn't hear me the last time! I felt much better afterwards, calmer in spirit and livelier in body, and did loads of things in town afterwards including eating another delicious ice cream! There are so many different brands let alone flavours! I had strawberries and cream this time... on the sea front on a sunny bench and followed by a cup of tea. I also looked for a birthday card to send to Kostas. He's into fast cars and I wanted to find a card with a picture of one on it but the 'masculine' themes were golf, football, fishing, sex and beer! Kind of reminded me of an essay I did as a Social Anthropology student a few years back about the gender roles in children's dressing up costumes. Boys could firemen, policemen, doctors, pirates, intergalactic storm troopers and all manner of superheroes and villains. Girls could be...fairies, brides or nurses! Anyway I found a card in the end with lots of pictures of model cars...in the post office where I'd actually just gone to buy a stamp for one completely different.

And my third thank you is for the fantastic in-your-face colours of these carnations. They are pretty in pink but wow are they good in purple and deep coral red! My camera phone doesn't really do them justice...they are about three times as intense in real life.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a great day today its nice to hear...
    Hope the tree is coming along.
    Have a lovely evening relaxing and wishing you happy dreams tonight.
    Love Debbie.x


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