Wednesday 6 July 2011

Tall talk...

What a lovely morning it is here...breezy and cloudy and showery and warm and sunny. Like Neopolitan icecream...a selection of favourites in one slice! My first gratitude of the day has got to be British weather...I absolutely love it! Apart from anything else it gives buttoned up British people something to talk to strangers about in waiting rooms and queues and bus shelters. And, if we're actually out in it it gives us the chance to remember we are alive, real live flesh and blood creatures experiencing real events through our sensory organs including our skin. If you accept that what we perceive around us is solid and real of course, which of course is highly debatable both from the philosophical and the quantum point of view. Probably best not to raise that kind of thing at the bus stop though. Someone might have to edge so far away from you they end up out in the rain!

Secondly I want to sing the praises of the silly things people say. You know...the really silly things when your brain is not engaged so your mouth carries on on its own. A dear work colleague (now departed to the realm of the living) and I used to collect these, including and perhaps most especially our own. It all started when I asked him how old he was and he told me, and I said 'Oh, you're the same age as my son.' and he replied...'Oh, how old's he then?'. Still raises a smile...I'll see if I can remember some more to raise some for you, my small but perfectly formed fanbase...including Lyn who says I cannot see her but I can! There's one I thought of last night that had me laughing out loud so I'll save it for later.

Lastly for now, not really a gratitude but just of note...The kind young man who sometimes brings my Tesco order. I had to ask him today, there reaches a point when it becomes rude not to. How tall is he? Six foot nine!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you are out again enjoying the weather.... Hope that you get the doctors to give you pain killers.
    Feel tierd today so staying in after going up the hospital this morning with my husband.
    Love to you, Debbie.x


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