Saturday 16 July 2011

Sound and sight

Today I'm grateful for a quiet morning all along the terrace. No loud music or radio, no lawn mowers, power tools, hammers, saws, barking dogs, noisy sex or rows, family gatherings al fresco etc. The woman upstairs has actually locked herself out and gone to stay with friends I suppose while she works out what to do so complete silence from there for 48 hours though I suspect at some point she'll be back with a battering ram and a lot of bad language. Because I'm almost always alone and almost always quiet I'm extra sensitive to the cacophony of human life overriding by quietness and highlighting my banishment. It's soothing to be able to hear the wind in the trees outside.

I'm grateful for all the wonderful photographs on the BBC web site and my Dell Streak to look at them in bed. Readers' pictures on various weekly themes and images from around the world. Some make you wish you could go to the places, some make you very thankful that you are not there.

1 comment:

  1. Angel,
    Is this the same women who undid your post from the hospital and made it unsterile. While the cats away why don't you put her post back in the postbox marked, return to sender gone away or do you think thats too drastic?
    Pat xx


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