Wednesday 6 July 2011

Getting the picture?

A needlewoman's impression...full of pins and optimism. Or perhaps it should have an asterisk by it linked to a note in small print at the bottom saying 'serving suggestion only' since this may not be the final arrangement exactly and I do intend the final verson to have the leaves actually sewn to the backing!

Looking good so though far eh? I'm loving the bit I've been doing today, thinking up the colour leaf I'd like to put in somewhere and then seeing if I can make it out of the colour threads I've got. Like mixing paint only not quite so messy. My Tree of Life is, not for the first time, one of my things to be grateful for today.

And another is that Laura managed to turn around a couple of sticky moments in the wallpapering. That wasn't meant to be a pun! There were a couple of times when I was a bit worried that things were not looking good especially as we don't have enough left for rehanging any drops...but she saved the day and the paper. Well done Laura!

Lastly there is something too long and complicated and muck stirring to go through another time today (it's already been in my mind, the chatroom thread that started off the recollection and explained in brief in person to Laura)...but a current rather awkward situation reminded me of something far worse from a couple of years back, something that left my soul a little battle-scarred. I saw that old memory in a new light and it's given me some new strength emotionally. What doesn't (quite) kill you doesn't always make you stronger straight away!


  1. Wow! Your Tree of Life is looking amazing Angel...

    In-case anyone doesn't realise - if you click on the picture you get to see an enlarged version and can then really see clearly the work involved....

    Looking forward to seeing the completely finished product and wondering what you'll start on next?


  2. Your tree is coming along really nicely... i love that trunk wool.
    Loving the blog, Debbie.x


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